"Forever. That's the whole point. I'll never leave."
He first caught sight of Buffy on the afternoon she was called by her former Watcher, Merrick. He fell in love with her while watching from afar. Later, Angel became Buffy's informer. After finding out his true identity, Buffy and Angel slowly grew closer. No matter what they go through, he will always be her true love.
One of David's first roles was as Kelly Bundy's biker boyfriend on the popular series, "Married With Children." He was discovered for the role of Angel while walking his dog, Bertha Blue. David's character, Angel, was only meant to be for a few episodes, but fan response resulted in Angel being a recurring character and eventually a series regular. With the popularity of his character, Angel, a spin-off about the vampire-with-a-soul was born.
As a tragic truth, a Slayer is doomed to be alone. The world does not know that she exists. She is faceless--meant to blend in. Everyday she puts her life in danger so that the people of the world may live another day. She lives alone and therefore dies alone.
But Buffy Summers lives a different life--one surrounded by friends and family.
Her circle is not by any means big, but in it are reliable friends who have proven themselves time and time again.
Take the time to get to know them as she did...